Unlock & make it available
It is difficult to effectively and ethically utilize the potentially huge – but hard to quantify – “Value of Data”
One of the challenges is that we can’t know how data might be used by others or in the future, making it hard to quantify its potential value. Unlike oil, data can be used again and again and data sets that might not be much used today can become so tomorrow, as new collaborations, technologies, and science develop.
Access to data is intrinsic to its value. In general, the more accessible data is, the greater value it has, although this has to be balanced against risks to privacy and incentivizing investment. Restricting access to data limits who can use it to develop a product or service, or who can interrogate it to make decisions.
We, at Giniminds, have disruptive solutions that can help handle data when Acquired, Analyzed, and Protected, making companies Real-Time Enterprises – which is the need of the hour….
Reference: ODI Institute & Bennett Institute for Public Policy